Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Pro-Abortion ‘Catholics’ Applaud Cardinal Martini...

...and Talk of Vatican Altering Condom Stand

WASHINGTON, April 25, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The uproar caused last week as a highly placed Vatican Cardinal announced the Pope had asked for a study on the use of condoms and AIDS prevention, on the heels of statements in support of condoms in the context of AIDS by another notable Cardinal, has put a smile on the faces of anti-Catholic groups.
This reminds me of the commission Pope Paul VI called to study artificial contraception before his encyclical "Humane Vitae" in 1968...For those who may not be old enough to recall, it seemed like everyone was so convinced that the Church was going to change her immutable teachings on the intrinsic evil of contraception...Many were quite enamored with the thought that the era of "free love" was going to be blessed by the Catholic Church.

And despite the advice and suggestions of a number of the Holy Father's special commission members, Humanae Vitae was released to the utter dismay of those who professed to be Catholic - and this included many, many bishops and priests, who as history suggests, outright rejected the encyclical. The late Fr. John Hardon, related a story where Charles Curran, dissident theology professor at the Catholic University of America, was so enraged or upset that he protested on the steps at one of the campus buildings waving the encyclical in the air and yelling like a mad man...

Yet, the Holy Spirit had protected the Church and the Holy Father. Remarkable - no, miraculous! Just as our Lord promised! The fact that the majority of "Catholics" ignore or reject a fundamental teaching of the Church is quite sad and lamentable. But the Church's teaching stands as an unchangable truth. Will we witness another episode similar to this - an episode where professed Catholics, seduced by a liar and the father of lies, think they are like God, deciding for themselves what is right and wrong, good and evil...? Perhaps...

The LifeSiteNews article is here.

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