Friday, July 07, 2006

Mental Prayer for July 8 - An Afternoon With Christ

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God.

Grace I Ask: To know the power of Christ's personality.

Mental Picture (d. John I : 35-39): I'm standing beside John and Andrew when John the Baptist calls Christ "the Lamb of God." Jesus moves along the river bank. John touches Andrew's arm... "Let's follow Him"... and off they go. I see the tall figure move away from the crowd. Around a comer in the path... He is standing there, waiting. "What do you want?" He's smiling at my confusion. John blurts out, "Master, where do you live?" That wonderful smile again...."Come and see." Walking along with Him! He talks with me all afternoon, and there is no need for anyone to say what he is thinking... "Never did man speak like this one." The most completely likable person I have ever met. I return home walking on air... I would do anything for this man!

My Personal Application: How can I grasp the drawing power of Christ? - the man who de­lighted little children; made fishermen walk out of their boats after Him, never to return; won enemies sent to arrest Him, who forgot their hate and murmured, "Never did man speak as this man."... But did that power stop with the Ascension? Think of the martyrs - even today­ - whom He fired with a love as strong as death. He can do it for me if I'll walk with Him for awhile.

I Speak to Christ: Fill me with admiration so my ears are always alive to hear your words, my eyes to see you in men, my mind thirsty for your truth, my heart open wide for your friendship. Over­power my selfishness with your personality, so that I will be loyal, even when I feel otherwise.

Thought for Today: "Never did a man speak as this man."

Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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