Monday, January 22, 2007

Mental Prayer for January 23, As They Really Are

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: Light to see the devil's trap; sklll to escape it.

The Idea: Exactly what is Satan's strategy? His strategy, in which all the world tries to help him, is to work along with the tendencies of our nature in order to destroy us. We have a normal, ordinary attraction to riches and honors...? Good. He and his agents will encourage us in that attrac­tion, make those things loom larger and larger in our imagination, lead us to work for them as if they were all that really mattered. They will make them seem necessary where they're really not, make them seem good when they begin to be dangerous.

Why dangerous? First, and obviously, be­cause if all our attention is focused on taking care of our material needs and working for our glory, it won't be, can't be focused at the same time on helping our neighbor and looking after his material needs; it can't be focused at the same time on the greater glory of God.

My Personal Application: It's so easy to get all wrapped up in the good things of this life, even as a very sincere Christian with the highest plans and ideals - so easy to worry about having a good car, clothes, good grades, friends and admirers, human respect and honors; easier than thinking about tomorrow, about God and my neighbor, about saving the world. Yet what will these interests count for in eternity?

I Speak to God: Dear God, help me to see things as they really are, not to get all disturbed because others have more than I have, are more popular than I am, etc. Let me learn to be interested in helping others - the many, many people who have less than I do, who need friends and a friend's encouragement even more than I do. Teach me to work for you instead of for myself.

Thought for Today: "I was hungry and you gave me to eat..." "Whatever you do to one of these, my least brethren, you do to me."
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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