Monday, May 19, 2008

Young Recruits for "Call to Action"

As witnessed in this grave abuse of the liturgy, CTA appeared to have very few young adherents to its heterodox or heretical beliefs and agenda.

Yet, we see a group of like-minded 20 to 30 year olds are banding together to carry the torch of rebellion for the gray haired dissidents.

From the "About" page at YoungAdultCatholics-Blog, we read:

YoungAdultCatholics-Blog is dedicated to the progressive, faithful, Catholic voices of 20- and 30-year-olds. This is a blog of NextGen at Call To Action, which has faith-sharing groups in urban areas around the country and a national conference every November in Milwaukee. For more information, please visit

The contributors to this blog come from a variety of backgrounds and live in various places on the globe. The goal is to lift up these voices that make up our Church in an intimate way....

In this light, we support Catholics in their pursuit of truth in the spirit of religious freedom. The bishops provide us with guidance from the Second Vatican Council: “Wherefore every man [sic] has the duty, and therefore the right, to seek the truth in matters religious in order that he may with prudence form for himself right and true judgments of conscience, under use of all suitable means” (from Dignitatis Humanae, Pope Paul VI, December 7, 1965).

Did you catch the distorted feminist touch above which demonstrates complete ignorance of the meaning of the word "man"?

What a future these malcontents have ahead of them. They, too, can be elite members of a dying group - frustrated because of the willful rejection the graces necessary to develop the virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity, they, too, will one day become embittered "progressive" senior citizens. They will go to their graves defiant and confused, having rejected the truth in exchange for lies. What wasted lives they will have if they continue that path.

May God have mercy on them and grant them the graces for conversion. And may we, in true charity, pray for their souls.

HT to Darla for the link: YoungAdultCatholics - a blog of NextGen at Call To Action

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