Saturday, August 09, 2008

Maryknoll Priest Excommunicates Himself for Priestettes?

From the National Catholic Reporter:
Peace activist priest assists at women's ordination ceremony
The title tells us what's coming, doesn't it?

Maryknoll Fr. Roy Bourgeois, long associated with the cause of Christian non-violence and attempts to close the international school for military training at Fort Benning, Ga., today staked his conscience to a different cause: the ordination of women in the Catholic church.
If one makes the claim to "conscience," then one is bound to properly form that "conscience." Apparently, in this case, "conscience" has been deprived of proper formation.

Bourgeois was a concelebrant and homilist at the ordination of Janice Sevre-Duszynska, a longtime peace activist and advocate of women’s ordination. The ordination occurred Aug. 9 at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lexington, Ky.
A "concelebrant"? With fake priestettes? If past experience is any indication, there would have been no Mass and no consecration because of invalid matter...the "bread" normally used at these events is not valid matter. And one might argue that this priest did not really intend to do what the Church intends, but that is a matter for another debate.

He said, in part:
"...I felt in conscience -- this matter of conscience keeps coming up and I don’t know what other word to use -- if I didn’t attend her ordination, I would have to stop addressing this issue as I do...”
This so-called "conscience" is nothing more than at attitude of pride and rebellion. He has willfully chosen scandal over obedience, arrogance over humility. He has scandalized the Church and the faithful - and the Maryknoll order and his brother priests - all because of a defective attitude fed by dissent and insolence.

When questioned, Bourgeois said he knew there could be “serious implications” if he openly participated in a women’s ordination ceremony.
Serious implications? Automatic excommunication? And laicization?

“For me it seems very right,” he said in the interview. “I would have a problem sleeping at night in the future if I didn’t put my body where my words are.”
Well, maybe after he is booted from the priesthood for rejecting a definitive truth of the Church (the priesthood is reserved to men alone), he can join up with the priestettes or some other heretical sect. We'll have to watch what actions, if any, his Maryknoll superiors take regarding this matter.

Speaking as a self-proclaimed pope, he states:
“We cannot justify discrimination no matter how hard the bishops may try. In the end, it is wrong. It is a sin. That’s how I see it and that’s why I am going to be there Saturday.”
Some might wonder how it is possible that such a man was ever ordained? He understanding of the Church, the sacraments, sin and probably everything else appears to be severely flawed. This matter has been settled for all time, everywhere, in every age yet to come. yet he claims, in effect, that Jesus erred by excluding women from the priesthood and the Holy Spirit erred in guiding the Church for the past nearly 2000 years for guiding the Church in following Jesus' example.

It's one thing when delusional women dress up and "play priest." It's becomes even more serious when delusional priests scandalize the faithful and promote dissension and animosity in the Church. May God have mercy on this man.

NCR story here.

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