Monday, May 08, 2006

Missouri Stem Cell Initiative Headed for Ballot

Almost double the number of required signatures was turned in [last] Monday by a group seeking to put a measure on the November ballot asking voters to amend the state constitution to protect stem cell research in Missouri.

The Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures submitted 288,991 signatures of registered voters to the Secretary of State.

Supporters say the abundance reflects the measure's popularity.

Opponents argue that it merely shows you can hire companies to gather signatures to put just about anything you want on the ballot.
The Missouri Coalition for Life-Destructive Research has sold the public a LIE...And as this group is spawned from the evil one himself, it continus its lies so it can engage in reaping profits from selling a false hope and it can engage in the murder of innocent human life...What a judgment day these charlatans have in store...

Article here.

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