Saturday, September 16, 2006

Mental Prayer for September 17-Catholic Activities

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: Lord, give me the spirit of zeal that inflamed the hearts of the Apostles.

The Idea: "You are the light of the world," Christ said. And a light has to shine so that others can see. A Catholic who does not help spread Christ's Faith is a living contradiction. In the same way it is a contradiction to be a Catholic and not be active in some way - prayer, parish projects, or other activ­ities for the Church. Christ needs a specially devoted army of helpers. He depends on us to do His work today. That is how much He trusts us. The communists worked so hard to spread their diabolical doctrine of hatred, as do today's enemies of Christ and His Church; can we be indifferent to spreading the word and work of Christ?

My Personal Application: What is my zeal in Catholic activities? Do I have the spirit that filled the hearts of the early Christians? Do I cooperate in all the jobs that go into planning an activity, even down to collecting tickets or decorat­ing? Do I give my full attention and energy to my prayer, to spiritual projects proposed for the whole parish and Church? This is the way I show my love for Christ: by doing the work of the Church in love and zeal and devotion. Does the zeal of the Christ's enemies put me to shame? The chain is as strong as its weakest link. Am I the weakest link?

I Speak to God: Lord, give me strength to do my part in spreading your kingdom. If I have been lazy in the past, I will work all the harder in the future - in prayer, projects, and all the jobs where my help is needed, for you and for our Mother.

Thought for Today: My love for Christ is shown more by what I do than by what I merely say.
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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