Monday, September 11, 2006

Women'sOrdinationConference Issues "Action Alert"

The "Women's Ordination Conference" Issued an "Action Alert" when Liguori Publications prudently withdrew Bridget Mary Meehan's books after Meehan decided to flagrantly repudiate Catholic teaching by attempting to become a Catholic 'priestess'...

The Action Alert from August 18 reads:

3. Contact Liguori Publications to register your disapproval for pulling Bridget Mary Meehan’s books.

After her ordination as a priest in Pittsburgh, Ligouri Publications issued a statement saying they would no longer distribute her books.

Write to or call (800) 325-9521 to register your disapproval and request that they transfer Bridget Mary Meehan’s books to a mainstream distributor so they will be available to interested readers.

While Liguori still carries books by, what some would term, less than orthodox authors, it made the right decision in this case.

Meehan, saddened by the Liguori action, stated:
"Financially, it's a problem for me...But Joan of Arc was burned at the stake as a heretic and then later declared a saint. I'm honored to walk in the company of such holy women." (Source)

We need to pray for her and for all who are so out of touch with reality.

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