Sunday, September 17, 2006

Mental Prayer for September 18-Solitude and Silence

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: I ask a deeper realization of the need to find God alone in silence to pray well.

Mental Picture: Evening by the lake of Galilee... disciples gather up left-over fragments of bread and fish with which Christ has miraculously fed over five thousand people. Our Lord sends the disciples across the lake... dismisses the last of the crowd that wanted to make Him king. He is alone... He climbs into the shadows of the moun­tain... a deep silence surrounds Him. All else is gone... He is alone with His Father. He prays.

My Personal Application: Do I, every day at a definite time, turn aside from all else for mental prayer? Am I careful to make it in a place which is private and quiet?... where I can be alone with God? Do I really try to get rid of everything that might distract me?... noise?... people? Have I learned to be happy alone with God in prayer? Do I know how to go into the silence of my soul and find God there? Or am I care­less about trying to pray well?... indifferent to the choice of time and place for prayer? Am I reverent? Do I pay attention to God?

I Speak to God: Dear Lord, teach me to pray well. Help me to want to be close to you in prayer so much that I will make a sincere effort to find a place and time for my mental prayer when I can be alone with you in silence. Give me the grace to overcome distractions and reverently to pay atten­tion to you. I want to know you better, love you more deeply, follow you more closely... always.

Thought for Today: Dear Lord, teach me to pray well.
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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