Thursday, September 21, 2006

NBC at Odds with Madonna's "Crucifixion" Scene?

It seems that creative differences over a controversial crucifixion scene in Madonna's current tour could spell the end for NBC's long-planned special on her concert.

NBC programming officials are expected to ask Madonna's camp to cut the scene in which she's hung on a cross wearing a crown of thorns while singing "Live to Tell."

Madonna's camp is expected to reject the change and then pull the show from NBC completely.

Soon to follow will be the charges of "Censorship"...

One wonders if this request by NBC might be fueled by fear? Is someone fearful of the possible outcry and murderous response of dangerous, scimitar-wielding, fanatical 'Christians'?

You know the ones I'm talking about (Rosie warned us about them) - those who delight in the righteously mandated acts of beheading pagans and infidels and those faithful 'martyrs' who are prone to wear suicide bomb belts and stroll the malls one last time before emarking on their journey to paradise after killing innocent people?

One would think that Madonna and her people would want to 'submit'. After all, per Ms/Mr/?? O'Donnell, "Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America where we have a separation of church and state..."

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