Friday, September 22, 2006

Mental Prayer for September 23-In God's Service

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: God, teach me to understand that serving others is what measures my worth in your eyes, not fame or honor.

Mental Picture (cf. Matt. 20:20-28): A woman comes to Jesus with her two grown sons at her side. She bows low and speaks: "Please give James and John the top places of honor in your heavenly kingdom." Jesus shakes His Head. He tells her kindly but firmly that it is the Father who distributes the honors there. The other Apostles hear of the request and they begin to grow angry with John and James. Each wanted the first place for himself. Christ quickly settles the question: "Among the pagans those in authority make a show of their power. But among you, my followers, anyone who has authority must be only the servant of the rest."

My Personal Application: In doing charitable work or any other work do I unconsciously maneuver for the position that gives me the most promin­ence? Or do I simply try to do whatever will be of most help to others, whether this involves prominence or not? In doing anything in my parish am I content to know that what I am doing is right and good and is helping others, even when it is not publicized? Do I always have to be in the limelight? What is my real attitude?

I Speak to Christ: Lord, help me to realize deep down that you did not worry about honor but only about helping others. Help me make your goal my goal.

Thought for Today: The important thing in God's eyes is to work for others - for love of Him and love of our fellow man.
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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