Thursday, October 05, 2006

Mental Prayer for the First Friday of October

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

The Sacred Heart - Symbol of Love

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: To understand why Christ asked to be honored as the Sacred Heart.

The Idea: When I look at Christ's heart, I remem­ber that it is a human heart that grew (as I did) through boyhood, "in wisdom and age and grace." His heart felt all that it takes to build a man: age, eyes, but grace and wisdom more. I have grace in His sacraments, wisdom in His Sacred Heart, if I look to see it there.

I see that the true Man has a tireless, giving heart; He came more to serve others than be served. He has a gentle, understanding heart; He gave a widow back her son, He cured cripples and lepers, forgave sinners, drew little children to Him, and yet could drive a whole market place from the temple by the force of His voice and eyes. He never blasted anyone except the hard­ened, righteous Pharisees.

I see true Man can suffer and even have a sad and troubled heart; it's no shame to have a fearful heart if it still can say, "Father, thy will be done." And though He could weep at a friend's grave, He bore spittle and blows and scourging and thorns and nails and death without a cry or sound. This heart bore these for me. Could any man suffer so much for me?... and not love me?

My Personal Application: Could even God have done more than He has done to prove that He is real?... to prove that He has a sensitive human heart and wants to be treated as one who is human? And yet do I not often treat Him as if He did not exist, as if He were not real at all? When Christ appeared to St. Margaret Mary to spread the devotion to His Sacred Heart, He said, "Behold this heart that has so loved men and received so little love in return." Until I come to think of Him in terms as real as my parents and friends, He will still be able to complain this way of me.

I Speak to the Sacred Heart: (Reread the idea slowly, telling Christ how you understand each phrase).

Thought for Today: Sacred Heart of Jesus, I implore that I may love you more and more.
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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