Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Stem cell initiative raises many questions

Another letter in the Post Dispatch:
Regarding the Missouri stem cell research initiative, have you read it? The length and complexity of the proposed initiative ensures that it will change the Missouri Constitution in ways related to cloning and taxation unforeseen by the voters.

The proponents want to place in the Constitution the right to clone and destroy human embryos for research purposes. These human eggs will be needed in great numbers. Where will they come from? Would you approve of labs offering payment to young, healthy college girls?

The proponents want an entitlement to taxpayer funding, which can never decrease and will be in the Constitution until and if another amendment is passed to end it. Do you want a tax slapped on you in perpetuity?

Section 7 states, "All state and local laws, regulations, rules, charters, ordinances, and other governmental actions shall be construed in favor of the conduct of stem cell research and the provision of stem cell therapies. No state or local law, regulation, rule, charter, ordinance, or other governmental action shall (i) prevent, restrict, obstruct, or discourage any stem cell research or (ii) create disincentives for any person to engage in or otherwise associate with such research or therapies."

If you want to see the exact wording of the Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative, contact the office of the secretary of state for a copy.

Jerry Sigmund

Another source to read the Amendment language is here...

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