Sunday, October 01, 2006

Missouri Farm Bureau Board of Directors Votes to Oppose Amendment #2

Did the local media report on this?
Based upon the policy adopted at the annual meeting of its membership, the Missouri Farm Bureau Board of Directors at its September meeting voted to oppose Constitutional Amendment #2, the so-called stem cell research and cures initiative.

The policy adopted by the Farm Bureau members at its last annual meeting reads as follows:
"We are opposed to the cloning of human beings. We support adult stem cell research. We are opposed to the creation and use of human embryos or blastocysts for research purposes in which they are destroyed, discarded or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death."
Farmers and those who support our farmers understand when elitists and shysters try to "pull the wool" over their eyes...they understand that Amendment 2 is a LIE and the deliberate killing of human life - a deception of that will have untold negative consequences for the State of Missouri. We need to pray that others come to understand this as well.

The press release is here.

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