Saturday, November 04, 2006

Mental Prayer-Monthly Check-Up for November, On Examination of Conscience

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: To make a sincere check-up on how I examine my conscience each evening.

Check-Up: At the end of each day did I quietly look into my memory of the day's events and honestly seek out any evil I may have done? Was I satisfied with this; or did I demand an account of the way I lived out my Faith? Have I been serious about the examen of conscience, sincerely asked myself "Have I gone to places or been with persons or done things that easily lead to sin?" Or put this question: "How did I handle that temptation to anger or unkindness? What will I do the next time? Have I ever determined to take these problems to some priest? Exactly how did I go about making an act of contrition? Just saying the words? Or did I recall what I have learned about the malice of sin, how it robs me of grace and leads to hell? And at the end did I settle upon one definite thing I was going to do next day to be more like Christ? Or did I plan how I would fight a particular temptation or struggle against a bad habit? Most important of all, did I humbly ask God to help me to do this in the coming day?

I Speak to Christ: Christ crucified, you can see how badly I need your help - help to make a serious and Sincere examen of conscience each night before I go to sleep. Since I need your help so much, I know you will be with me each day with all the graces I need. Teach me to stay close to you by working at my examen of conscience.
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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