Saturday, March 22, 2008

Meditation for Easter, the Resurrection

Easter, the solemnity of solemnities, the day of Alleluias, of per­fect joy - let us forget all our fears.

Fear of Difficulties.
They said one to another: Who shall roll back the stone for us? - and looking they saw the stone rolled back.... How many times have I made mountains out of nothing or exaggerated the importance of an obstacle?...Trust in Our Lord! When I shall near my goal the stone will be rolled back. Invincible courage. Alleluia!

Fear of Combat.
Mors et vita duello conflixere mirando. Death and life are engaged in conflict. It is true, but what is the outcome? The author of life seems for a moment to have lost, but see, He now lives and reigns forever. Invincible cour­age! Alleluia!

Fear of Failure.
Sometimes I wonder if all my efforts are of any avail. Is God glorified by them? Do souls profit by them? Shall I ever actually meet Jesus?... Don't harbor such doubts. Listen rather to the consoling words, He is risen and goes before you. Christ has gone before me; I have only to follow. I shall meet Him in Galilee. Then I will follow generously with the rest of the caravan. There, at the end, the Master awaits me.

"And while I try to remember how You used to look, here You are before me as I have never seen You before!

"How beautiful, how great You are, O my Good Master! Alleluia!"
Adapted from Meditations for Religious
by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. (© 1939, Frederick Pustet Co.)

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