As Pope Benedict prepares to travel to the United States [arriving April 15th], he continues to uphold the church's long-standing tradition of not ordaining women as priests. Since July 2006, more than U.S. 20 women with the organization "Roman Catholic Womenpriests" have considered themselves ordained without church approval. VOA's Jeff Swicord reports on one woman in Sarasota, Florida, who says it is time for the church to openly accept women into the priesthood.Right, some "mass"....imposters playing "make-believe"....Bridget Mary Meehan is one of 24 Roman Catholic women in the United States conducting mass in defiance of church doctrine....
Meehan advertises her mass in the local newspaper in the southern coastal community of Sarasota, Florida. Her home serves as her church...."Christa?" What's that? And how about this: "It means breaking the bread and sharing the wine in the memory of Jesus as a Pascal meal."
[Meehan says,] "A priest is suppose to be in personi Christa," she says. "That does not mean taking on male identity. It means breaking the bread and sharing the wine in the memory of Jesus as a Pascal meal."
Does the above statement not indicate that she truly does not believe in the Real Presence? What a deluded and confused soul!
Meehan has conducted mass since 2006. The local archdiocese has protested her actions, but the Vatican has not sanctioned or excommunicated her. Two women in St. Louis, Missouri have been excommunicated.She's conducted something, but it certainly has not been a mass...a bread and wine party, maybe...
"I think it is very wise of the Vatican right now to take a wait and see attitude, watch the movement of the spirit in the Roman Catholic Womenpriests [RCWP] rather than condemning us,” Meehan said. “Because, one day they just might have to undo their condemnation and canonize a few of the women in the movement. At least that is our hope and our prayer."A "wait and see" attitude - Oh, please! so that we can watch the demonic spirits of the RCWP movement?
And their (RCWP) hope and prayer is that the Church will canonize these clowns after altering the sacrament of Holy Orders.....Keep dreaming and praying, sister!
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