Friday, April 11, 2008

Meditation for April 12, On Asking for Crosses

Generosity is not temerity. Let us be ready to accept all that God sends us, but let us not be too quick to encroach upon Divine Providence in asking for ourselves a lot of supplementary suffering. In not a few cases this would be imprudent, in fact, it would be more feasible to let God direct all to His greater glory.

The blessed Carmelite, Mother Acarie, gave this advice to a religious who had asked God for her Purgatory on earth, "Take care; how do we know that we will have sufficient patience to endure all? That must be left to the disposition of God."

There may be some particular cases when certain souls might do well to ask for suffering but they require exceptional prudence and careful guidance. It will be enough for us to take the crosses of life as they come. There is excellent common sense in the words Rene Bazin puts on the lips of a sailor's wife whose daughter wished martyrdom, "You wish martyrdom, accept life as it is, that will be sufficient."

Accept life, not only for a few years, but for a lifetime, even if it is a life without exceptional crosses, life itself is a heavy cross. Accept it, accept it generously, accept in joyfully, it is a most beautiful offering.

"Jesus crucified, I offer myself now for all the crosses You wish to send me. Arrange everything for Your greater glory, I accept it all. Amen."
Adapted from Meditations for Religious
by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. (© 1939, Frederick Pustet Co.)

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