Friday, March 09, 2007

From HLI: Sean Hannity's Gospel

Sean Hannity was taken to task today in an article by Fr Thomas Euteneuer, President, Human Life International, and Sean displayed his lack of understanding of his professed Catholic faith this evening on the Hannity and Colmes show in a discussion with Fr. Euteneuer.

Apparently, Hannity was making a big deal last Friday and apologizing on his radio show concerning the fact that he had mistakenly taken a couple of bites of a chicken sandwich on a Friday of Lent.

Fr Euteneuer says:
...he used the opportunity on the show to make a fairly big deal about the "eat meat on Friday and you can go to hell" issue.

Well, even though he claims to be a "good Catholic," Hannity is hardly a credible commentator on Catholic said much more about the depth of his faith than anything else.
. . .
[Mistakenly eating a chicken sandwich is] not a sin, and issuing a dramatic "apology" for doing that is, well, entertainment, not witness.

If apologies are the order of the day, then the repentance I would like to hear out of Sean Hannity's mouth is for his shameless—even scandalous—promotion of birth control. Yes, I have heard him personally say, "I have no problem with birth control. It's a good thing." (Another bit of profound theological reasoning.) Given the size of his audience and the importance of his status in pop culture, Hannity's anti-witness to a fundamental tenet of Catholic moral doctrine is just devastating for the faith of others who may be weak or vacillating in this area. His impact is greater, and so his judgment will be stricter. "To those who have been given more, more will be required…"

As I understand it, during the show, Hannity asked if Fr Euteneuer would refuse him Holy Communion and the good priest rightly responded "Yes," he would...

Hopefully, a clip of the exchange between Hannity and Fr Euteneuer will be on YouTube...I'll check and get back to this if I find one...

**** Here it is (Updated 3/10/07)

Hannity has a grossly flawed understanding of the faith...and he speaks like every other cornered "cafeteria Catholic" with his "Judge not" nonsense and other idiotic statements. Phew!!!

Also, for those who may not recall, Sean Hannity was called out back in July 2004 by Dr Arthur Hippler who wrote an "Open Letter" to Sean for his "cafeteria Catholicism" and his rejection of the Church's teaching on artificial contraception...Unfortunately, almost 3 years later, Hannity has matured very little in his growth in his faith...

HT to my brother Tim for the update!

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