Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Fratres Blog: Mr. Potato Head Concelebrates the Holy Mass?

The closing Liturgy of the 2008 West Coast Call To Action Conference, held in San Jose, California, last week (see “highlights” below) demonstrates why faithful Catholics must move to convince U.S. Bishops that the time has come for the full dissolution of all false renewal (see: dissent) groups within the Church such as Call To Action....
That this occurred in San Jose should net be much of a surprise...Need anyone wonder why Bishop Bruskewitz excommunicated members of this group? Naw, I didn't think so. Anyway, here’s a link to the video.

This is probably similar, in a great many respects, to the "women's led liturgies" sponsored by Catholic Action Network.

For more pictures of this spectacle, look at the CTA "closing liturgy" photos here. Make sure you put on the armor of faith beforehand, though - you'll be entering the devil's lair...

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