Saturday, May 10, 2008

Meditation for May 11-Pentecost, The Holy Ghost

The Paraclete, the Holy Ghost that My Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things. (John xiv, 26.)

There are two main ideas in these words of Christ's discourse at the Last Supper: the Holy Spirit will teach you; the Holy Spirit will console you.

1. Teach and radiate the light. Did not the Holy Ghost descend upon the Apostles in the form of tongues of fire to command just that?

But I would be mistaken in thinking that this teaching is to come from without.

No, the Holy Spirit enlightens from within. He works in those who enjoy the happiness of living in the state of grace. The hymn of Pentecost often reminds us during the octave that the Holy Ghost dwells within our souls, hospes animae. I have frequently meditated on this truth and know its immense benefit to my soul. God has His own habitation in me. In this intimate dwelling in the depths of my heart, He speaks to me, inspires me and leads me on.

2. Radiate the light, yes, but also the warmth. The Holy Spirit does not only teach me, He has another function; He comes to endow me with joy and courage.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Love: wherever He is He burns, He inflames, He stimulates zeal. Oh! how welcome He is at cer­tain times. When a cold wave comes over me and my ardor cools, when monotony assails me and difficulties crush me, I am certainly in great need of a consoler.

"Divine Consoler, prove to me as fully as possible Your beautiful title. You are not only the hospes animae, the guest of my soul, but dulcis hospes, the sweetest guest. Communicate to me this fortifying sweetness; I do not ask sensible gifts and consolation, but grant me generosity and strength of will, and an ardent desire for the good. Consolator optime, Dulcis hospes animae...."
Adapted from Meditations for Religious
by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. (© 1939, Frederick Pustet Co.)

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