Tuesday, June 13, 2006

More Human Life Destroyed as Embryonic Experimentation Continues

Two of the nation's top universities recently announced plans to pursue embryonic stem-cell research. An expert explains why the news is so significant—and so controversial.

June 12, 2006 - Last week, Harvard scientists announced that they have begun a privately funded program aimed at creating the world’s first cloned human embryonic stem cells. Their goal, they said, is to use the cells to study the development of several devastating diseases like diabetes and genetic blood disorders and, hopefully, to find treatments for them. Scientists say that embryonic stem cells hold the most promise for developing innovative new treatments for diseases, since the cells may be changed into any of the human body’s cells. But the process is not without controversy. To get the cells, scientists destroy days-old embryos, which religious and conservative critics equate with taking human lives.
The repeated denials that this is human life is appalling...These are usually the same people who are adamant about seeing that one is severely punished for destroying or disturbing the eggs or habitats of certain animals - as long as those animals are not human.

May the Lord prevent these ghoulish people from continuing their murderous treachery against humanity and the unborn.


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