Wednesday, June 14, 2006

No Homosexual Activism in Polish Schools

Poland Strikes Back Against Homosexual Education: Fires Teacher Responsible

WARSAW, June 14, 2006 ( - The Minister of Education in Poland has sent clear messages in the past week that the Polish government will not tolerate the indoctrination of students with the homosexual agenda in Polish schools. On June 9th, the Polish Minister of Education, Roman Giertych, officially dismissed the Director of Polish In-Service Teachers, Miroslaw Sielatycki, for publishing Compass: a manual on human rights education with young people, and is now considering banning its distribution and sale.
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Minister Giertych, who is also a leader in the League of Polish Families and Deputy Prime Minister, has said in the past, "there is no room, nor will there ever be any room for homosexual activism within the school system in Poland on my watch." This stance sets Poland in direct opposition to the trend set by the European Union.
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The Council of Europe blasted Poland's dismissal; the criticism, however, comes as little surprise since the same organization created the Compass program. "I do not understand how teaching tolerance can be grounds for dismissal," said Secretary General Terry Davis of the Council of Europe.
Perhaps Davis lacks understanding of fundamental moral concepts - this indoctrination program looks to be nothing more than a thinly veiled intolerance and loathing of the natural moral law and, in essense, a repudiation of the family and of promoting and defending the common good of society.

Mr Davis continues (from the Council of Europe Web Site):
"I made it clear that the Polish government is free to decide whether it wishes to use Council of Europe material for human rights education, but if the teaching material is optional, the values and principles contained therein are certainly not."
One might ask these promoters of sexual perversion and hedonism what these "values and principles" are.

There was a time when "values and principles" were understood as something good and virtuous. Regrettably, the meanings of these words have been turned upside down - they now mean, more often than not, the forced acceptance of vices, depravities, and wickedness. And, in an effort to give legitimacy to these new meanings, one is labeled as "intolerant" if he refuses to acquiesce to this new enlightenment.

The article itself is from LifeSiteNews here.

The Council of Europe web site is here...

For those who wish to re-read the document from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions between Homosexual Persons, click here...This should clear up any confusions one may have about this matter.

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